Expats Living in Shanghai
Home >Expats Living in ShanghaiRelocating with your family to Shanghai - the easy way
Update:2015-07-18 17:17 Views:
Many questions for families who come to Shanghai
Whether Shanghai is the destination of your dreams, or your company requires you to come over here for a while, if you move with your family to a whole new country it might appear like a mammoth task at first - and it actually is. Many questions will come to mind. Where can my family live safely? - Where will the kids go to school? - How to get around in a city that is bigger than some European countries? - How much will the monthly cost of living be? - How much will be needed to rent a house? - How to protect from / escape Shanghai's smog? - and for sure many more.All of these must be answered individually for you - hence the internet will be of little help. Answers will depend on your workplace, on your children's educational background and ambitions, on the standard that you are used to from your previous location, and on your criteria with regard to what makes a good home - Potential for relaxation? The foundation to forget about your job during the evenings and weekends? Do you value space higher than luxury? Function over style? Do you want to dive into authentic local lifestyle, or do you prefer to have many other expats around you?
All these questions need to be asked and answered in order to understand which accomodations can become a good home for your family - one that helps you to have a great time in Shanghai. And if you and your family are coming to Shanghai, we would like to ask you these questions - because we are confident that we can make good use of your answers, and because we aim at having all-around satisfied clients. We will provide you with competent advice and consultation on all issues around housing in and relocation to Shanghai. We know the best places to live for expats of diverse backgrounds, we know how much the rent in Shanghai's various neighborhoods should be, we know how it feels like to rearrange one's life when settling down in Shanghai, and we know how to find out the answers for questions that we hear for the first time.
Reliable Shanghai Relocation Service
So, if you are interested in a hassle-free relocation without any bad surprises, you cana) Send us an Enquiry (you can also do so later, at the top-right of the website), and we will get back to you quickly,
b) browse a part of our database here on townscapehousing.com (much more available upon enquiry though). Good starting points for families might be: International School Area, Hongqiao Gubei, Green City, Century Park, Villas, 3-bedrooms apartments, 3-bedrooms lane houses or just have a look at the whole website.


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