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Shanghai Singapore Int’l School
Founded and invested by the Prime Group International. With the official approval from the Ministry of Education, PRC, Shanghai Singapore Int’l School was officially opened on 3rd September 1996 with the consultancy from the Singapore Teacher’s Union. SSIS provides Preschool Program (3-6 yrs old), Primary Program (7-12 yrs old), IB Middle Years Program (13-16 yrs old) and IB Diploma Program (17-18 yrs old) to expatriate children in Shanghai.
SSIS offers a balanced and unique curriculum in line with the educational policies of Singapore. The Singapore-based curriculum offers a bilingual education in English and Chinese, with Mathematics, Science & Technology and Humanities (for the Secondary students) as core subjects. Information Technological skills and Interdisciplinary Project Work are infused into the curriculum. Other subjects include social studies, health education, music, arts, Speech and Drama. Besides providing a firm academic foundation, SSIS also emphasizes character education though moral education and the provision of an extensive co-curricular activities program.
The school believes in providing all pupils with an all-round education so as to prepare them for the next step of their lives. They will graduate with moral and cultural values and with life skills for the pursuit of knowledge, physical fitness and recreation
Objective: The school will provide a sound Singapore-type education with special emphasis on English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics and Science.
Admission Procedures:
1. Collect the SSIS Registration Kit from the Registrar or request for it to be mailed
2. Complete and sign the Registration Form (incomplete forms will not be accepted).
3. Additional documents needed with non-refundable Application Fee
- Four (4) passport-sized photographs of students;
- One (1) photocopy of student’s passport;
- One (1) photocopy of both parents’/guardian’s passports and;
- One (1) photocopy of pupils latest academic transcript from the previous school.
Note: Receipt of the Enrolment Advice from the Registrar within 7 days of payment towards the Registration Fee.
Contact the Registrar should you not have received the Enrolment Advice within the stipulated period.
Admission Contact:
Tel: 021-6221-9288
Fax: 021-6221-9188
Shanghai High School Int’l Division
Shanghai High School is located in the southwest corner of Shanghai. Established in 1865, the campus has an overall size of 340 MU (22 hectares), and is historically one of the most well known schools in China and around the world. On June 1, 1993 The Shanghai Education Committee approved the establishment of the Shanghai High School International Division (SHSID). In 1995, SHSID became a member of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
SHSID enrolls around 1816 students from over 50 different nations and regions, including, USA, Japan, Korea, Canada, Australia, Italy, Great Britain, Poland, Iran, India, and Norway. The academic program is 1-12, culminating in the two-year International baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program for Grade 11 students and above.
The goal of SHSID is to “explore and seek out the best methods, domestically and abroad, to educate its students. Specifically, in areas such as, modern science and technology, in order to cultivate future talents of the 21st century.”
As an international school in China, SHSID developed educational goals to reflect a traditional background as well as goals to meet the needs of today’s talented students. We are committed to educate students for the challenges of the future. SHSID provides progressive education in a multi-cultural environment; preparing students with global perspectives; and encouraging them to accept responsibilities and become competent in their studies.
Admission Procedures:
1. Obtain an Application Form from the Admission Office.
2. Submit the following documents together with the application fee to the Admission Office.
- A completed Application Form (No blank spaces if possible)
- Academic records from the previous 2 school years
- An official transcript form the previous school
- Photocopy of passport (Main page and the valid visa pages)
- 3 passport-size photos
- A non-refundable application fee of RMB 600
3. Upon receipt of the above documents and application fee, students are required to take placement examination according to the times scheduled. (Subjects: Chinese, English, Mathematics; Physics are required for grade 9~12; Chemistry are required for grade 10~12, examination includes Oral and Written tests).
Admission Officer:
Tel: 021-64765516
Fax: 021-64533318
Email: [email protected]
Those who are in the 7th grade and above, whose homes are beyond the reach of the shuttle bus can apply for boarding. The boarding students are required to come to school from 7:00~8:00 p.m. each Sunday and leave the school on Friday afternoon. During the weekdays, the boarding students are required to participate in the morning exercises and evening self-study class. The dormitory is run by professional dormitory supervisors.
Shuttle Buses
SHSID offers shuttle buses service for day students. There is no shuttle bus on the morning of the first day of a new semester, from that afternoon on, school bus service will begin.
SHSID has three cafeterias, offering 3 meals a day. Meals are provided for the students at a fixed daily rate. Students may bring their own lunch. Microwaves and refrigerators are available.
Address: 400 Shang Zhong Road(School South Gate) 989 Bai Se(School North Gate) 200231
Tel: 021- 64765516
Fax: 021- 645333318
Email: [email protected]
Ecole Francaise de Shanghai
Située à Shanghai en Chine, l’école française accueille à la rentrée 2006 près de 1000 élèves, de la maternelle à la Terminale. L’Ecole Française de Shanghai (E.F.S) est un établissement privé sous contrat, reconnu par le ministère français de l’Education Nationale (le primaire est conventionné, le secondaire est homologué).
L’enseignement qui est dispensé est conforme aux programmes français. Les décisions d’orientation sont valables dans tous les établissements français de l’étranger ou de France.
L’Association des Parents d’Éleves de l’école française est une association de droit français et de «loi 1901». Toute personne ayant au moins un enfant dans l’école est membre de l’association des parents d’élèves.
L’E.F.S partage ses locaux avec l’Ecole Allemande (Deutsche Schule Shanghai, D.S.S) : la réunion des deux écoles est localisée sur le site de l’Eurocampus.
Conditions d’admission
Être de nationalité française ou déjà scolarisé dans le système français.
Une pre-inscription ne conduit pas automatiquement à une inscription. Il appartient aux parents de constituer les dossiers d'inscription à partir du site de l'Ecole (téléchargement ci-dessous) et de nous les envoyer au plus vite.
Prévoir :
* un certificat de radiation de l’école d’origine,
* une copie des certificats de vaccinations obligatoires,
* le livret scolaire de l’élève (ou attestation de niveau en cours d’année et de passage en fin d’année pour le collège ou le lycée),
* quatre photos d’identité,
* une copie du livret de famille,
* une copie du passeport.
Une copie du livret scolaire de l'élève doit nous parvenir dans un délai
minimum d'une semaine avant l'arrivée de l'élève.élève, et sont remboursées au départ définitif. Le montant et la date du
paiement varient selon que les frais de scolarité sont payés par les
sociétés ou individuellement par les familles :
Important : les élèves ne sont admis en classe qu'après règlement de
l'ensemble des frais (droits de 1ère inscription, droits de scolarité,
ramassage scolaire). Pour les familles prenant elles-mêmes en charge ces
frais, un paiement échelonné peut être étudié.
Adresse: 30, Lane 399 - Zhu Guang Lu - Qing Pu District, Shanghai
Tél:(86 21) 3976 0555 Fax : (86 21) 3976 0577
Der Deutsche Schule Shanghai
Die Deutsche Schule Shanghai ist eine Privatschule in der Trägerschaft des Schulvereins "Deutsche Schule Schanghai e. V." Die Deutsche Schule Shanghai ist eine vollausgebaute Schule vom Kindergarten bis zur Reifeprüfung: Kindergarten, einjährige Vorschule, vierjährige Grundschule und ein achtstufiges Gymnasium (sog. G-8-Bildungsgang). In den Jahrgangsstufen 6 bis 9 (und ggf. auch 10) bietet die Schule Unterricht für Haupt- und Realschüler an. Die Schule ist von der Kultusministerkonferenz der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als deutsche Schule im Ausland anerkannt worden. Die Lehrsprache ist Deutsch. Englisch wird angeboten als erste und Französisch als zweite Fremdsprache. Englische Sprachzertifikate können als Teil des Lehrplans erworben werden. Chinesisch wird als mit 2 oder 4 Stunden als Wahlpfach angeboten.
Address: No. 30 Zhuguang Lu, Lane 399, Qingpu District , Shanghai
Tel: (8621) 3976-0555 ext.206
Fax: (8621) 3976-0566
Email: [email protected]
DS Shanghai Pudong
1100 Jufeng Lu
201206 Shanghai - VR China
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telefon (Zentrale): 0086 (21) 68 97 55 08
Fax: 0086 (21) 68 97 95 96
Website: www.ds-shanghai.org.cn
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