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Home >Shanghai Real Estate NewsChina's Non-Bubble Housing Bubble
China has a housing problem.
But it is much different than the problem we’ve had here in the U.S., or the one in the European Union.
For starters, when U.S. housing prices were rising, the government actively took part in inflating the real estate bubble by pushing rates lower and offering zero-down loans (subprime) to middle to low-income buyers.
Yes, who cares that you earn the median income of just $45,000 a year, you can get your $450,000 dream house in Sedona, Arizona. By comparison, China’s housing bubble is a non-bubble. The government is actively trying to pop it. Housing prices are still rising, but not out of control. This is especially true in second and third tier cities, ie: not Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Beijing.
There’s also nothing close to a mortgage backed securities bubble and no sub-prime lending. In the latter part of the 1990s, China’s real estate prices were inflating above China’s disposable income. By 2001, disposable income per capita moved steadily ahead of housing prices.
The government has engineered a cyclical downturn in the Chinese real estate market instead of a structural collapse. In Asian housing markets, that means a trimming of at least 20%. In some cities, 40%. But in the process, no one was foreclosed upon. Banks didn’t go belly up. Unemployment did not increase.
“You don’t see the same amount of bank stress that you see in the U.S. because the debt levels are significantly lower, both for the builders and for the buyers,” says John So, managing director and chief of Asia operations at Metropolitan Real Estate Equity Management in Hong Kong, a $2.5 billion real estate investment firm.
China banks have a limit to what they’ll lend for housing. Currently, buyers need to put between 20% and 30% down on the value of a house before securing a loan. In the U.S., when the housing bubble popped, we all know what the down payment requirement was. Today, it is closer to 20%. Chinese people are savers. Americans are not. Americans don’t have 20% to put down on a house. So the market remains sluggish as a result.
China housing was running out of control pre-2008 crisis. The government decided to do something about it in 2010 and put in place a number of restrictive policies that prohibited speculation. By mid-2012, real estate investors left the market. Now, says So, the market has bottomed. Transaction volume is picking up and prices are starting to rise again. Property tax legislation has been put on hold. It’s not entirely clear why. Few things coming out of Beijing offer perfect clarity. But it is worth assuming that the property tax pilot program in Shanghai is unlikely to spread to other cities.
“We don’t think the government is going to take their foot off the break too quickly, however,” So told me in a phone interview in late February. “This is a hot market, no doubt. A lot of urbanization is yet to come.” China is about 50% urbanized. In Russia, it is 73%. In Brazil, 87%.
Right now, many China investors are paying closer attention to second and third tier cities away from the busy, saturated coast. That’s where a lot of the government’s fixed asset investment has been going. As a result, there’s been tons of overspending. These are the areas in western China, in the inland part of the country, where you are hearing about “ghost cities”: residential apartments with no buyers. That hasn’t killed too many developers, however. The home builders in Asia tend to be gigantic. In troubled times such as these, they gobble up smaller construction companies. Banks have yet to feel any severity from non-performing debt stemming from their property builder clients. Large scale development companies have been able to handle the vacancies.
If you look at the bond prices of some of these Asian names, they are trading at a premium. The country’s largest developer, China Vanke, raised $800 million in an offering this month at just 2.6% yield. Hardly distressed debt. These guys are investment grade.
I get it, though. Who cares that China Vanke is investment grade. Companies get downgraded. It can’t all be good.
It’s not, of course.
That’s partially why those who have been in China for a while prefer Shanghai. Beijing comes in a close second. These are established markets dominated by high-end commercial and retail space. These aren’t the Las Vegas‘ of China.
So calls Shanghai the London of Asia.
“The top 1% of China lives there. They’re as rich as the people who live in Hong Kong, which is very expensive. That’s a world-class city. Shanghai is becoming one. It will be the New York of Asia within 15 years,” So says.
Metropolitan works with accredited investors and pension funds looking to invest in physical real estate. In Asia, they’re particularly keen on China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Japan comes in a close fourth.
“We see two trends in China real estate right now,” So says. “The consumption story in China will help commercial retail office space. And we continue to see neighborhood transformation in Hong Kong. You have a lot of areas of that city that were built in the 1950s and are going through a revitalization process. Buildings that were class C real estate are being converted into class B.”
For investors, So says mainland China provides more reward for the risk.
“There’s not a lot of value in Hong Kong. If you’re buying things cheaply elsewhere, Hong Kong gives you protection. It’s the financial capital of Asia. We’d never be out of Hong Kong even with the government there wanting to cool off the housing market. It wouldn’t surprise me to see prices decline,” he says.
What’s a place go for in Shanghai? That depends on where you’re living.
In glamorous Xintiandi, an affluent district in Shanghai, a 3,500 square foot apartment will run you between $5 million and $6 million. It’s a market made primarily of rich Chinese and those from Hong Kong and Taiwan who see Shanghai as a discount market.
The middle class is getting pushed out.
“It’s a world class city and that tends to happen in places like that. We’ve seen it in New York, Paris, London. The middle income move to the outskirts or settle for smaller properties even though they could do much better further out,” says So. “If you move to a second tier city you’d pay about $150,000 for a more normal-sized 1,000 square foot apartment.”
And even that’s expensive. Per capita income in China is around $6,500. That makes a property like that 20 times income. In the U.S., housing prices are around five times per capita income of $49,000.